AVI Prod Netzbau
Is the company that AVI Prod Grup has established an official presence in Germany through, starting with 2021. We are looking forward to exciting and challenging projects on a very sophisticated market.
Our Services

Area of responsibility
of roughly 30 km radius

7,500 m of pipe
laid in the first year

Took care of
all related road rehabilitation work.
Beginning in 2018, AVI Prod Grup entered the German market by signing a strategic partnership with the German company Schwaben Netz GmbH.
For over a year, AVI Prod Grup supplied network extension and construction services for an area of responsibility in a radius of more than 30 km.
During the contract, our company built over 7,500 meters of network pipes, including road rehabilitation after finalizing the work.
Schwaben Netz is an important regional natural gas distribution network operator in Swabia and in parts of Upper Bavaria, supplying services to over 100,000 direct clients.
The German company manages over 6,700 km of natural gas networks and offers planning, construction, and operation services of energy systems at the national level.
Since 2023 we have been diversifying our activities, starting with the laying of electrical and fibre optic cables in Baden-Württemberg.
Bucharest Office
8, Popa Lazar St., District 2
Bucharest – 021968, ROMANIA
Ploiești Office
97, Bobâlna St., suite 2, Ground Floor+1st & 2nd floors, Ploiești, Prahova County, ROMANIA
Constanța Office
79, Zorelelor St., Constanta, ROMANIA
031/9261 (Call Center)
+4 (021) 256 8110 (Office)
+4 (021) 256 8018 (Fax)